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Demarcation of informative chromosomes in tropical sweet corn inbred lines using microsatellite DNA markers Genet. Mol. Biol.
Kashiani,Pedram; Saleh,Ghizan; Panandam,Jothi Malar; Abdullah,Nur Ashikin Psyquay; Selamat,Ahmad.
A study of genetic variation among 10 pairs of chromosomes extracted from 13 tropical sweet corn inbred lines, using 99 microsatellite markers, revealed a wide range of genetic diversity. Allelic richness and the number of effective alleles per chromosome ranged from 2.78 to 4.33 and 1.96 to 3.47, respectively, with respective mean values of 3.62 and 2.73. According to the Shannon's information index (I) and Nei's gene diversity coefficient (Nei), Chromosome 10 was the most informative chromosome (I = 1.311 and Nei = 0.703), while Chromosome 2 possessed the least (I = 0.762 and Nei = 0.456). Based on linkage disequilibrium (LD) measurements for loci less than 50 cM apart on the same chromosome, all loci on Chromosomes 1, 6 and 7 were in equilibrium. Even...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Microsatellite; Inbred line; Chromosome; Genetic variation; Linkage disequilibrium.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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